Monday, December 8, 2008

Help! My mom wants me to take a nap!!!

Last Saturday I put fin down for his morning nap. Little did I know that Fin had some how smuggled my phone into bed with him. Apparently Fin wanted to use his morning to make prank phone calls instead of taking a nap. When I retrieved Fin and my phone an hour later I noticed that I had a new voice mail in my inbox. I was surprised to learn that it was from the police department! The message told me that they had gotten a 911 call from my phone; it asked me to call them back to report a real emergency. Felling very embarrassed, I called the police station and explained the situation. The 911 operator was very understanding, but had been worried. I guess she talked to Fin for a few minutes before he hung up on her


Mandy said...

wow, all I can say is wow....

Sonja said...

Sneaky little guy!