Monday, March 16, 2009

catching up -- Fin turns one

It's hard to believe that my little Fin is one year old already! (even though it happened last summer) The past year has been fun for me, I have seen Fin grow and change daily. I'm amazed how much he has learned in his short time on Earth!
Fin is very smart and aware. He is a fast learner and has a memory, for example, when I taught him how to climb down the stairs backwards he immediately generalized that skill and applied it to climbing off the couch and bed. He still doesn't say to much, but he seems to understand a lot. Fin impresses everyone with his problem solving, when he sees something that he'd like, you can see that he's coming up with an idea of how to get it. He moves chairs, climbs things etc. He also remembers where things are and how to get to them later.
The most important thing in my life is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, therefore I feel that the most important thing I can pass on to my children is a knowledge of the gospel. Reed and I are trying to be good examples for Fin. We go to church each week. we say prayers as a family each day and sing primary songs and hymns every night. Fin loves music and loves to sing too. (Fin's singing is just a bunch of notes strung together randomly)
Fin is a very social little boy. He loves people and attention! He loves to have a lot of people to play with. Generally Fin is not afraid of strangers. he's not shy at all. Fin has a good memory for people, he recognizes people from church and neighbors. Most importantly, he remembered his Dad after being separated for 7 months.
Fin is big. People usually think that he's older than he is. Fin has been in the 95% for his height ever since he was a month old. Fin is also amazingly strong for his age. He some how manages to more what ever is in his path, even furniture. Fin seems to be very aware of his body, he does pull some crazy little stunts - but he always seems to think through his actions before hand.
Fin looks just like his Dad. No one has ever told me that Fin looks like me, but Reed gets it all the time.
Fin loves to play. Almost everything turns into a game for Fin. This isn't good when the game is "don't touch that!" or "Get back here!". Fin loves to wrestle and get tickled. He loves to hide himself under a blanket and wait until you find him. Well, he hides his head and his legs are usually out and kicking with excitement. Fin likes to throw things and play catch. He has a little baseball and he is getting really good at catching and throwing. Fin really loves to play outside. He also loves to go for rides on the Ranger.
Fin is a wonderful little boy. We love him very much. Our lives are happier because he is here. I'm grateful for my sweet little boy. The past year has been fun and I am looking forward to many more years to come. FIn will be a part of our family forever and I'm excited to watch him continue to grow and learn.

1 comment:

Breta said...

Awww...What a cutie! Nice cake, too! It's crazy to think back to when he was born - he's grown and learned so much in so little time!