Sunday, September 14, 2008

just wait till your Dad gets home!!!

I have definitely missed Reed these past few months but I think the person who has been affected the most by his absence is Fin. I realize that there are just some manly things that I just can’t relate with. I can appreciate the importance of a father figure in a young boy’s life. As you can see, Fin has been slipping into several bad habits. First, he prefers to chug Martinellie’s sparkling cider instead of his milk. After a long night Fin likes to start his morning right, he chases away the morning blahhs with hot chocolate. He is starting to listen to questionable music and seems to really like KISS. Lastly, he seems to be developing an interest in pole dancing! I’m just so grateful that Reed will be back in a few weeks to help me get him back on the right track!!!

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emH said...

definately. That's one of the more serious cases of Deployed Dad Syndrom that I've ever seen (isn't there an acromyn out there for it somewhere- we are after all military). Its good to see your beautiful growing family.

Jennelle said...

We miss you guys! Hurry back to Chicago!